Music Ace Version 4.0Supports Windows 98, NT, 2000, Me and Macintosh OSX. Music Ace provides a fun and comprehensive introduction to music fundamentals for beginning music students, of any age. Following the friendly guidance and directions of the ‘Maestro Max’ animated teacher, and his animated friends, the ‘Singing Notes’, students participate in over 200 truly engaging lessons and challenging games, plus compose and perform to their own original music works using our innovative Music Doodle Pad. This version of Music Ace focuses on the basics of pitch recognition, learning key signatures, basic ear training, the single staff and Grand staff, sharps and flats, and much more.Music Ace 2 Version 4.0Supports Windows 98, NT, 2000, Me and Macintosh OS X Music Ace 2 is the second title in the Music Ace series from Harmonic Vision. This title introduces concepts such as standard notation, rhythm, melody, time signatures, harmony, intervals and more. ‘Maestro Max’ and his choir of ‘Singing Notes’ return with more than 2000 musical examples and a variety of new instruments that advance a student’s learning skills in music fundamentals and theory. Like Music Ace, Music Ace 2 has over 200 comprehensive lessons and attention grabbing games, plus the original music creation tool, Music Doodle Pad.