New RFQ: “Online Streaming Audio in English and/or French Language for Grades K-12”

The Ministry has posted a Request for Qualification for “Online Streaming Audio in English and/or French Language for Grades K-12”

The full posting can be found at
Please select English or Francais

Choose Active Opportunities – “To View and Search Current Tender Opportunities”
Under Project Info, select “contains” and enter  “audio” in the empty field
Click “Search”

The resulting RFQ is : OSS_00517514 Online Streaming Audio in English and/or French Language for Grades K-12

3D Modelling and Design Software

In order to meet the needs of technological design courses and other engineering related curriculum, the Ministry of Education has licensed AutoCAD LT for all publicly funded school boards since 2007.

Over the last 2 years, OSAPAC has explored potential upgrades to this product in order to meet evolving demand and changing technologies.

A request for proposals (RFP), a public procurement process, was issued in 2012 but there were no successful proponents. The RFP did not result in any new licence/upgrades.

Since then, the current vendor for AutoCAD – AutoDesk Inc. – has made many of their product offerings (including the latest versions of AutoCAD) available free of charge to students, educators and educational institutions.

Given the availability of this option, the Ministry of Education is not purchasing further licensing for this type of product at this time.

Students, educators, and educational institutions interested in learning more about the offer from AutoDesk can refer to:

Digital Citizenship project!

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The digital domain is changing how students perceive, interact with, and respond to the world. Innovations in technology have provided new opportunities for learning, both in and out of school, and have enabled students to connect to learning communities around the world. Social media is an immersive environment that can no longer be ignored if schools are to remain relevant. These innovations call for the development of new knowledge, skills and social behaviours to ensure that these tools are used in responsible and ethical ways.

Check it out!

SAMR Project!

In order to help instructional leaders, administrators, teachers, and other educators understand how Ministry-licensed digital resources can be used to help facilitate and support evolving classroom practices, OSAPAC has developed some scaffolded supports around licensed products. The SAMR model provides a useful framework to help identify opportunities for learning that are afforded by technology.

Check it out! 

Career Cruising!

The Ministry of Education has licensed Career Cruising, a Guidance and Career information online program for students in Grades 7 – 12 until August 2017.
The program offers many tools for exploring student interests and aptitudes, various job videos, as well as links to colleges and universities.

Online Encylopaedia

Following a public procurement process for English and French Online Encylopaedia, we are pleased to announce that the Ministry of Education has licenced Britannica School as the new Online English Encylopaedia for all provincially funded school boards, faculties of education, and participating First Nations schools.  This product replaces Grolier Online, which is no longer licenced by the ministry.
Unfortunately, no French products qualified during this process.  As such, there is no Ministry licenced online French encyclopaedia at this time.

Antidote is now available!

In order to install the new version of Antidote 8 whose license has been renewed with the approval of the Ontario Software Acquisition Program Advisory Committee(OSAPAC), operational contacts from each board can download Ministry-Licenced software.