3D Modelling and Design Software

In order to meet the needs of technological design courses and other engineering related curriculum, the Ministry of Education has licensed AutoCAD LT for all publicly funded school boards since 2007.

Over the last 2 years, OSAPAC has explored potential upgrades to this product in order to meet evolving demand and changing technologies.

A request for proposals (RFP), a public procurement process, was issued in 2012 but there were no successful proponents. The RFP did not result in any new licence/upgrades.

Since then, the current vendor for AutoCAD – AutoDesk Inc. – has made many of their product offerings (including the latest versions of AutoCAD) available free of charge to students, educators and educational institutions.

Given the availability of this option, the Ministry of Education is not purchasing further licensing for this type of product at this time.

Students, educators, and educational institutions interested in learning more about the offer from AutoDesk can refer to: http://www.autodesk.com/education/free-software/all.

4 Replies to “3D Modelling and Design Software”

  1. Hi,

    The above link takes me to a page that contains many letters and numbers and makes no sense at all.

    Here is a sample from the landing page: &&b.isMobileNonIOS){return}OOo.instanceCount+=1;this.options={tealeafCookieName:’TLTSID’};OOo.extend(this.options,a);c=this….

    I found the link below to be a more functional website that provided more information about what I was looking for:


  2. We have formally used ArtCAM to run our cnc router. (which we no longer have the operating dongle)

    What software is available through osapac for creating 3d models and generating machine codes?


    1. Hi Kelsey,

      We currently do not licence software to produce machine code, although Corel Draw used to be an option for some forms of machine code. Unfortunately, the need for such software has not been identified sufficiently in our software survey. Having a limited budget, we seek software which has been identified as a need by a large proportion of respondents and which can be used by as many teachers as possible.

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