Technology Integration Matrices

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][text_output]Puentedura’s Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition (SAMR) model (2014) is an important theoretical reference source for the effective integration of technology in teaching and learning in the digital age for the benefit of student engagement in knowledge acquisition. The SAMR model aims for considerably more than improved practice by using digital tools, i.e., by substituting the use of technology for traditional know-how or increasing the number of digital tools to facilitate the completion of an activity. Rather, the objective suggested by the author of the SAMR model is a complete transformation of practice, i.e., by modifying the production stage in which completion of the activity requires the use of technology. The ultimate goal of the model is to fully integrate technology in teaching and learning. Thus, the redefinition of learning strategies is aimed at creating new activities that were previously inconceivable without technology.

Source: PEDAGOGY IN THE DIGITAL AGE, Literature Review and Online Interviews (p.48)[/text_output][tab_nav type=”two-up” float=”none”][tab_nav_item title=”TIMs – Teachers”][tab_nav_item title=”TIMs – Principals”][/tab_nav][tabs][tab]Eng 0 Matrix TIM – Teachers

Eng II A Communicating w. activit TIM-Teachers

Eng II B Collaborating w. actiivit TIM-Teachers

Eng II C Creating _ Innovating w. activit TIM

Eng II D Developing Critical-Thinkg _ Problem-Solving Skills w. activit TIM

Eng II E Engaging in Self-Directed Learng w. activit TIM-Teachers

Eng II F Engaging in Real-Life Learning Situations w. activit TIM-Teachers

Eng II G Demonstrating Digital Citizenship w. activit TIM-Teachers

Eng II H Organizing the Environment w. activit TIM

Eng II I Engaging in Active Learng w activit TIM[/tab][tab]Eng 0 Overview TIM – Principal

Eng 1 Communicating TIM – Principal

Eng 2 CollaboratingTIM – Principal

Eng 3 Creating _ Innovating TIM-Principal

Eng 4 Developing Critical-Thinking Skills TIM-Principal

Eng 5 Building a Franco-Ontarian Identity TIM-Principal[/tab][/tabs][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]