Purpose and Structure

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][text_output]Purpose

In an increasingly technology-driven, knowledge-intensive, and globalized world, it is important to prepare our students for success. “In a world that is constantly changing, Ontario students will be better prepared to adapt, achieve and excel, regardless of the challenges they face”. (Achieving Excellence: A Renewed Vision for Education in Ontario, 2014).

The digital domain is changing how students perceive,interact with, and respond to the world. Innovations in technology have provided new opportunities for learning both in and out of school, and has enabled students to connect to learning communities around the world. Social media is an immersive environment that can no longer be ignored if schools are to remain relevant. These innovations call for the development of new knowledge, skills and social behaviours to ensure these tools are used in responsible and ethical ways.[/text_output][text_output]Structure

This resource is intended to guide educators as they embed the concepts and skills of digital citizenship into their daily practice. It provides links to existing lessons, videos, interactives, and more, at various divisions, with reference to specific digital citizenship categories and criteria:

  • Critical thinking and Information Literacy
  • Creation and Credit
  • Presence and Communication
  • Health and Protection

The resource provides various contexts for learning about digital citizenship, making classroom connections through rich curriculum-based tasks that model effective integration of pedagogy and technology. The links to existing resources provide lesson materials, and the classroom connections provide starting points for the teacher in order to develop lessons and assessments specific to the needs of their students. It is crucial that teachers preview the links and associated content to ensure that they are suitable for student use. All content will not be suitable for all audiences.

Teachers are also reminded to review board procedures for approved technologies and request student and/or parent signatures for acceptable use. Many online tools identify age restrictions for account creations and therefore terms of use/service must be regularly reviewed.[/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row no_margin=”true” padding_top=”-10px” padding_bottom=”-10px” border=”none”][vc_column width=”1/4″][text_output]

Critical Thinking

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Critical / Credit

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Health / Protection

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