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CritThinkIcon Critical Thinking and Information Literacy

A digital citizen is one who…

  • uses effective strategies to search for information (e.g., keywords, narrowing a search)
  • uses credible online resources (e.g., databases, encyclopedias, ebooks)
  • evaluates and reflects critically on information/resources/sites
  • applies an inquiry model to gather, use and evaluate information to build knowledge


CreationCredIcon Critical Thinking and Information Literacy

A digital citizen is one who…

  • respects intellectual property of others (e.g., paraphrases and gives credit)
  • uses digital resources responsibly and adheres to user agreements
  • understands and gives credence to the consequences of unauthorized distribution
  • utilizes appropriate licensing options for personal creations (e.g., Creative Commons)


CommunicationIcon Presence and CommunicationA digital citizen is one who…● communicates appropriately according to the audience (e.g., conventions, voice, form)● contributes positively to the local and global communities● identifies and responds appropriately to online issues (e.g., cyberbullying, sexting, etc.)● develops a positive reputation and digital footprint


HealthProtIcon Health and ProtectionA digital citizen is one who…● implements precautions for online security (e.g., passwords, privacy settings)● protects the privacy of self and others● balances offline and online activities (e.g., gaming, texting, social networking, etc.)● uses devices with attention to physical and mental health

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